Tired: gratitude journal

Wired: finding beauty in little things, in day to day, in the mundane

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by James Bedford

I don't use social networks however I had the same frustration you had with the gratitude journal. Too many times I would write "I'm grateful I'm healthy" or "I'm grateful I can breathe" (when I was getting frustrated), the whole exercise felt pointless after two weeks. What worked for me was to instead write the most positive thing that happened on that day, a single sentence. It's quick and it forces me to just think about good things. And since it's focused on that day, I'm less likely to be repeating the same thing over and over. And lastly, it becomes a time machine, because you can go back to that notebook and you'll see all the good things that were happening at the time :)

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Yes 😊 the focusing on the day summarises my shift also. Love the time machine idea - I am looking forward to the future and being able to look back over months of entries.

Great to hear from you Diogo! 🙌

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May 9Liked by James Bedford

Great reflection about simple luxuries.

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Thank you Daniel!

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